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Looking for an Ozempic Dietitian?
Everyone wants to share their opinion about the weight loss medications Ozempic, Wegovy, or semaglutide. Many people are familiar with the Ozempic, the diabetes drug. At a slightly higher dose and called Wegovy, it is prescribed for obesity. Ozempic or Wegovy, also known by its generic name, semaglutide, has been on the market since 2018. Not every dietitian with opinions about Ozempic has experience with Ozempic. I have been working as a dietitian with patients taking Ozempic since the time of the semaglutide research trials for obesity. If you are considering taking Ozempic or Wegovy, or you are on Ozempic or Wegovy now and looking for an Ozempic dietitian, please reach out! Telehealth appointments available.
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