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Looking For Active Activities? 35 Fun Physical Activities for Preschoolers & Elementary School Kids

We all know that kids need physical activity. And kids want to have fun! Physical activity for children should never turn into a chore or something your child hates. It should remain as play and enjoyable for the child. Physical activity can also be a way to spend time and bond with your child. If you are looking for ideas of how to spend quality time with your child and stay active at the same time, you are in the right place. With a good list of ideas, your family time with your children can also be enjoyable and fun active time.

child playing outside fun physical activity

35 Fun Physical Activities for Kids

  • go swimming

  • take out hula hoops

  • do some kid yoga

  • jump at a trampoline park

  • climb at an indoor playground

  • climb at an indoor climbing gym

  • hike

  • go geocaching

  • go letterboxing

  • play at the playground

  • play at a splash pad

  • ride a scooter

  • ride a bike

  • play tennis

  • rake the leaves

  • play active video games

  • have a dance party

  • walk on the boardwalk, harbor, or waterfront

  • walk around downtown

  • garden

  • fly a kite

  • shoot baskets

  • chase butterflies or fireflies

  • go to a museum

  • have a water balloon fight

  • walk the dog

  • play outside with the dog

  • wash the car

  • go paddle boating

  • play at the beach

  • go to a dance class

  • jump rope

  • take a walking tour of your city

  • go on a scavenger hunt around your neighborhood

  • walk around the mall

  • go to a botanical garden

  • walk around a farmers market

  • wander around a flea market

  • visit a street fair

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