We all need some physical activity, but no one is happy when physical activity becomes a chore. If you don't like the structured workout and gym-based exercise routines, this list is for you. This list has fun physical activities for adults of all skill levels. Read on for some great ideas for fun physical activity for adults and teens.

35 Fun Physical Activities for Teens and Adults
climb at an indoor climbing gym
ride a bike around your neighborhood or on a local bike trail
rake the leaves
refinish a piece of furniture
fly a kite
go skateboarding
go to a museum
go paddle boating
attend a dance class
walk around the mall
take your kids, nieces, or nephews to a playground
go to a botanical garden
walk around a farmers market
wander around a flea market
check out garage sales
visit a street fair
rearrange or redecorate a room in your home
walk around a department store or warehouse store
take a walking tour of your town
go ice skating
have a paint balling fight
join an adult rec league, search here to find one
visit the zoo
work on your car: wash, detail
take care of home repairs
volunteer at a food bank
organize or declutter a room in your home
go apple picking
go bowling
go sledding
go to a carnival